Two short recommendations and book club info!

This post marks the first time in the (very) short history of the newsletter that I am putting together some resources created solely for paid subscribers. I’m grateful for your support of my work, and I want to make sure I honor that commitment by writing posts that go directly to you on a regular basis.
Today, I want to share some brief thoughts about two recent books on grades, and I also want to give you some information about the slow-read book club for paid subscribers that we’ll begin in April.
First, the books. Grading is a hot topic these days in the world of education. This is a good thing for someone like me who has just finished writing a book about the subject, but it means that the conversation moves pretty quickly and is pretty wide-ranging. As evidence of this, there were two books about grading released in the summer of 2023 alone (!). I’ve just finished working my way through both of them, and I’d like to share a few thoughts for those who might be interested in taking a look at them or using them for teaching and/or research. Don’t think of what follows as a book review as much as informed recommendations of both works.1